Dreamwerkz Dance Camp 2012
Had a super awesome weekend with this bunch of crazy, fun-loving and sexy people in the dance camp 2012!
Here's some interesting highlights for our camp.
Day 1:Gathered at 12pm and knowing no one in the camp is quite terrible enough already... Until we were gathered together, sitting together with Red team and started playing Whacko. At the start, most people are not warmed up yet but... thanks to Jerrine, things started to lighten up already.
At the end of the Whacko... damn! I GOT SABOed to solo on the stage, together with Ivan and Sheryl.... $%$#^$%&^$%&%$ Luckily Ivan took all the limelight.. Heng...
Subsequently... we proceed to play other games... something happened suddenly then... one of our group mate decides that the camp is not his cup of team and left. Well... i guess he has to be more chillax and let nature takes its course rather than missing out on all these fun man...
Then... we proceeded to playing Dogs and Bones... Where things got a little aggressive between the teams... And our Dear friend Klaus, conveniently spanked a girl's ass to 'catch' the girl... We know his has such a fetish! HAHA!
Afterwhich... stepping on balloons!! During that game... all teams are required to step on each other's balloon until the survivor emerge... Thanks to my strategy... WE WON!!!!!!!! and poor Michelle got dragged by me on the floor coz she's just too light... Don't think michelle is small sized ok... she can be quite fierce one ok!! But Rahman revenged for Michelle overextending my arm... heng it wasn't broken... but hell... WE WON!
After the games ended... now here's the awesome part... the workshops! When the videos are up, i'll paste the links here =D The 2 instructors are from O school and they are... simply.... FANTABULOUS!
The 2 songs used are I am The Best by 2NE1 and some boyonce sound... the 'move to the left to the left' song....
Rahman totally rocked the class with his ultimate HOTNESS. He's totally the HOTTEST and SEXIEST guy in the entire camp... KUDOS to Rahman!!!

Rahman and his super hot ass... HAHA!
After the classes....... a 3 full hour of dancing... our bodies are aching like no tomorrow... and that's just the start of the camp =D
Day 2: Sleeping on the hard ground was really a torture... din know which idiot actually off all the aircon in the sleeping area and caused the entire place to be so blardy hot... Woke up at 730am... and started our day...
Started my day with some basketball game... and realised... my basketball skills really deteriorated already... DAMN! I NEED TO GET BACK IN SHAPE!!!
After breakfast, we headed back to SIM and started our 2 dance workshop... by Marcus and Jeremy on popping and hip hop... Finally got to know what popping is all about and the history of hip hop... these dancers are really good....
Following next, the RUNNING MAN!
this is my first time playing running man and it's surprisingly fun! The thrill and adrenaline rush that overwhelmed you is simply awesome! Except the part where we have to take some stupid pics... else orange would have been the winner....
During the running man... many funny incidents happened.... Having michelle running and hit on something and fell straight on the floor, Rahman and Jerrine hiding under the bin... and me having my tag tore off by the wind... it's simply HILARIOUS...
and the worst of all..........
Ee Chin's dinner has something extra.... A WORM!!!!!!
Following which.... we started our choreo planning during dinner and choose allegra's song as our show case song...Together with Jerrine and Kiki's randomness to get everyone off their sleepy and tired mood!
Started practising at 8pm till 12pm... and added tonnes of our moves in there.... made us the CHAMPION of the Showcase, Dreamworkz Dance Camp 2012!!!!
Through these 3 days of fun and fatigue... it really reaffirmed on my life's objective. Happiness.
Happiness is a journey, not a destination. If my life is a storybook, I'm gonna make sure that book is the most exciting, fun, touching book anyone could have ever read.... I used to focus a lot on making money and missed out so many moments that could actually take my breath away.
Thank you Ee Chin, Bryan, Rahman, Kiki, Clement, Michelle, Ivan, Naomi, Ivan, Klaus for making this camp such a memorable and fantastic one. Thank you all for reaffirming my life's objective.
Life is not about the number of breath you take. It's about the moments... That takes your breath away
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